Our Own Fluffy Garden

Within everyone lies a cloud garden.

It stems from the small moments of our daily lives.

The soft soap bubbles when washing your hands, the fluffy sponge on the kitchen shelf, the packaging that gently wraps around fruits or plants, and the remnants of a cherished candle burned on a special day.

The story of something familiar yet unexpected in our everyday lives.

Our Own Fluffy  Garden

Within everyone lies a cloud garden.

It stems from the small moments of our daily lives.

The soft soap bubbles when washing your hands, the fluffy sponge on the kitchen shelf, the packaging that gently wraps around fruits or plants, and the remnants of a cherished candle burned on a special day.

The story of something familiar yet unexpected in our everyday lives.

Company: Swingset / 

Owner: Woo Yeon Park / 

Business License: 465-19-01168 /

Mail Order License: 2019-GoyangDeogyang-gu-0987 /

Office: 2-73, 33 Dongsong-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

CS Center 

E-Mail: info@swingset.co.kr

Business Hour

Mon-Fri AM 11:00 - PM 5:00

(Every Wednesday, Weekends, Public Holidays Off)

© Swingset

Company : Swingset

Owner : Woo Yeon Park

Business License : 465-19-01168

Mall Order License : 2019-GoyangDeogyang-gu-0987

Address : 2-73, 33 Dongsong-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Repulic of Korea

CS Center

E-Mail : info@swingset.co.kr

Business Hour

Mon-Fri AM 11:00 - PM 5:00 (Every Wednesday, Weekends, Public Holidays Off )

© Swingset